I'll blog about games and stuff.
How about not using it
Published on July 4, 2007 By Wintermist In Beta Feedback
I've been thinking about this a while, as I noticed I very rarely build repair stations as the ship repairs well enough on their own.

Why not remove the automatic repairs and instead just use the shields. Once the shield has depleted the ship starts to take damage. The shield will constantly regenerate but damage will not, forcing you to use more repair docks as well as create forward operations outpost.

It would add more tactic and strategy to the game as well as adding a small degree of trustworthy realism into it.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 09, 2007
As a second thought, Shipyards should be able to perform the repair function for ships that they are able to build. The repair rate should not be as high as at a repair yard. Consider this as the ability to get needed repair parts and 'as-available' technical assistance.
on Aug 04, 2007
While I know a lot of people like the high auto repair feature as it really helps ships last longer in combat put also allows them to keep pressing the attack. I think in the end this does two things for the game. One is it rewards the winner and larger ships as their fleet quickly heals after victory and larger ships are harder to destroy so if they don't have to stop for very long or return to base to heal then they can easily keep going forward. The other thing is I think the auto heal is one of the reasons the games tend to take so long and late game turns into one big siege fest after another. With ships fully decked out they heal at rather impressive rates and have even more shields and hitpoints then early game.

You have people pointing out how ships have damage control teams to repair the ship in combat and fix things after a battle. Well that is true but they can't make full repairs and they aren't expected to. Their job is to patch holes in the ship and repair key equipment so the ship can stay in the fight. The hitpoints in my opinion are suppose to represent the armor plating on a ship which the damage control teams aren't suppose to handle or focus on. As for the nanobots working so fast and being able to salvage debris fields up so fast to patch a ship as good as new doesn't make sense. I mean if they had that kind of tech they wouldn't need repair station or repair ships.

Anyway here are some of my ideas on how the repair should be handled.
1)Ships can repair up to 50% HP at the current repair speeds no matter where they are. This represents the damage crews ability to patch up the ship. And maybe with research increase to like 75-80% but at slower rate once over 50%.

2)Ships repair at about half their current rate when in combat up to 50%

3)Ships can repair up to 100% HP when in a friendly system with a shipyard.

4)Repair stations affect the whole system not just the small circle around them because it's a pain to micromanage and move your ships over there. They of course still increase ship repair rates but their effects are halved when the ship is in combat.

5)Repair ship already exist but may need some tweaking if it's going to be responseable to repairing the who fleet as the way it's setup now with the spend energy and repair 20 hp/sec is more for combat repairs not whole fleet repairing which would take a LONG time. So maybe it has a passive ability that simply allows the ships in fleet to heal to full health but at half their rate once their over 50% HP.

I think this kinda setup along with lower heal rates during combat will help pickup the pace of combat and reduce the trench warfare feeling the game tends to have in the later stages.
on Aug 04, 2007
Bump a lot, Pyro?

Repair stations affect the whole system not just the small circle around them

"small" circle? ROFL!

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